BRIAGdAMfYhc7UtApGGzVBsObAgmzTWZYtCTUfqZ88" /> build insane triceps by doing skull crushers - laz - tymoff


When it comes to sculpting impressive arms, triceps play a crucial role. One exercise that stands out for targeting the triceps effectively is the skull crusher. In this comprehensive guide, Laz Tymoff takes us through the ins and outs of skull crushers, sharing tips, techniques, and insights to help you build insane triceps and achieve your fitness goals.

Table of Contents:

  1. Understanding Skull Crushers
    • 1.1 Anatomy of the Triceps
    • 1.2 How Skull Crushers Target the Triceps
    • 1.3 Common Variations of Skull Crushers
  2. The Laz Tymoff Approach
    • 2.1 Importance of Form and Technique
    • 2.2 Incorporating Skull Crushers into Your Routine
    • 2.3 Finding the Right Weight and Rep Range
  3. Avoiding Common Mistakes
    • 3.1 Elbow and Wrist Alignment
    • 3.2 Overarching and Lower Back Strain
    • 3.3 Utilizing Proper Breathing Techniques
  4. Advanced Tips for Maximum Gains
    • 4.1 Progressive Overload Strategies
    • 4.2 Supersetting and Intensity Techniques
    • 4.3 Listen to Your Body: Recovery and Rest
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    • 5.1 Are Skull Crushers Suitable for Beginners?
    • 5.2 How Often Should Skull Crushers Be Included in a Routine?
    • 5.3 Can Skull Crushers Cause Elbow Pain?
    • 5.4 Are Dumbbells or Barbells Better for Skull Crushers?
    • 5.5 What Other Exercises Complement Skull Crushers?
  6. Success Stories and Testimonials
    • 6.1 Real-life Transformations with Laz Tymoff’s Skull Crusher Program
    • 6.2 Personal Experiences from the Fitness Community
  7. Conclusion
    • 7.1 Recap of Key Takeaways
    • 7.2 Embracing the Journey to Insane Triceps


5.1 Are Skull Crushers Suitable for Beginners?

  • Yes, beginners can incorporate skull crushers into their routine with proper guidance. Start with lighter weights and focus on mastering the form before progressing.

5.2 How Often Should Skull Crushers Be Included in a Routine?

  • The frequency depends on your overall workout plan. However, 1-2 times per week is a common recommendation. Allow enough time for recovery between sessions.

5.3 Can Skull Crushers Cause Elbow Pain?

  • When performed incorrectly, skull crushers may strain the elbows. Pay attention to your form, avoid locking your elbows, and consider using an EZ bar to reduce wrist and elbow stress.

5.4 Are Dumbbells or Barbells Better for Skull Crushers?

  • Both can be effective, but some individuals find dumbbells offer a more comfortable range of motion. Experiment with both to see which suits your body and goals.

5.5 What Other Exercises Complement Skull Crushers?

  • Tricep dips, close-grip bench press, and tricep pushdowns are excellent exercises to complement skull crushers in a well-rounded tricep workout.


Building insane triceps is an achievable goal with the right knowledge and dedication. Laz Tymoff’s guide to skull crushers provides a solid foundation for incorporating this powerful exercise into your fitness routine. Remember, consistency and proper technique are key on the journey to achieving the arms you desire. Embrace the challenge, stay focused, and witness the transformation of your triceps like never before.

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